The tools are immaterial, the resulting piece is what's most important.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

St John's Institution

Courtesy of a friend's invite, LKM, simplyRobin and I had the chance to photoshoot his ex-school, St John's Institution. Though it was not my school, but it does bring back certain memories of being a student. I would be darn grateful if I could do a shoot of my primary and secondary school back in Melaka.

The school yard. Pack with students even though it was a weekend.

One of the classrooms. Certainly gloomy on a weekend but filled with joy, frustration and definitely noise on weekdays.

The corridor.

Students back in school on the weekends. I could stand there for hours just watching them with their curriculum activities. How I wish I was back in school again and being free from all the stress and tension I have now.



Ananda Sim said...

Thanks for that first shot. I used to stand at assembly many, many years ago in that courtyard and it looks the same....

Zachary said...

Hey AnandaSim,
You're welcome. Great to meet an ex SJI. LOL

Cheers !